Mar 07 2017

Missing figures in some printed copies

Some early printed copies miss several figures (Figure 3.5 on page 55; Figures 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4 on pages 333 to 335). Only copies coming from the UK warehouse have the issue. Those coming from the US warehouse are correct.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience. The editor is aware of that and will replace the faulty copies. In the meantime you receive a correct copy, here are the figures.

MDE book missing figure pages


Nov 10 2016

Meet the authors during Jean-Marc Jézéquel’s CNRS silver medal ceremony

One of the author, Jean-Marc Jézéquel will receive the CNRS silver medal.

Get the chance to discuss with him and the 3 other authors who will also attend to the ceremony November 10th 2016 Inria, Rennes, France.

Aug 25 2016

The authors will be at the MODELS 2016 conference in Saint Malo

Models2016_twitterSeveral of the authors (Benoit, Bernhard, Didier, and Jean-Marc)  will be at the MODELS 2016 conference in Saint Malo, France (from 2016, October 2nd to October 7th).

Actually, several of them participate to the organisation of the conference.

Do not hesitate to speak to them !

Aug 23 2016

Cover image explained

As a reader you may wonder why we choose this image for the cover of the book.

This is actually hard to find relevant images for our software engineering field. In addition to be sometimes abstract, some terms doesn’t ends up with appropriate pictures ( for example, looking for “models” in image database invariably results with fashion girls.)

The cover image actually uses the”breathing life into” metaphor.  One of the tool presented in the book (Kermeta) uses that metaphor too “breathing life into your metamodel” since its version 1, back in 2005.

This tries to illustrate one of the core idea of the book that is making your models useful and transforming ideas and knowledge into living artifacts.

It also convey the idea that the techniques proposed in the book are not limited to software.